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The surface of the unique art work on canvas is flat .
The painting is located in the area ' fantastic landscapes '

title: 'light coast'

size: 39.37 x 31.5 in (100 x 80 cm)
oilcolor on canvas / year 2016
list nr.: 1651

The impressive painting transports the viewer to a world where the boundaries between heaven and earth, nature and humanity, merge. The sky is filled with beams of light piercing through the clouds in extraordinary formations, creating an atmosphere of magic. There is a constant turmoil of light, with the clouds swirling in a tangled dance in the sky, accompanied by a refreshing breeze.

At the seaside, people can be seen harmoniously blending into their natural surroundings, without fear of nature. They are familiar with this world and exude tranquility. The winding coastal road leads to a monastery perched on an elevated steep slope. From the viewpoint, there is a breathtaking view of the sea and the group of islands, which seem to belong to another dimension.

The hand-painted art rendered in oil colors gives the painting a special quality and accentuates the surreal quality of the scene. The mountains in the background appear as weathered rocks, while the coastal settlement gracefully lines the beach.

Of particular note is the purple group of trees, which brings an unusually mystical aura to the painting. It almost seems surreal in this scenery and captivates the viewer.

Overall, this painting presents a world where the elements merge, the boundaries between reality and dream blur, and nature is experienced in all its splendor and wildness. It invites the viewer to immerse themselves in this fascinating world and be enchanted by its beauty and mystery.

relevant attributes:

# #Ragged #clouds #wind #sea #beams #of #light #island #island #group #street #curves #Küstenstrasse #bush #tree #curve #Steilhang #view #view #platform #group #of #trees #hand-painted #paintbrush #work #oil #picture #oil #painting #clouds #rock #rock #mountains #wind #gust #settlement #surreally #incidence #of #light #slope #stones #wind #tunnel #elevation #tower #coastal #town #beach #sand #waves #group #of #trees #

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imprint: S . S t e r n h a g e l , painter , Rosenthaler Str. 19 / 10119 Berlin - Mitte / USt-IdNr.: DE 211 063 313 /
This webpage shows a little part of my artistical creations.

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